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Evidently, it turns out that just a toothbrush is not enough

Brushing teeth is a way to maintain oral hygiene and health. Unfortunately, plaque often appears despite diligently brushing your teeth. Plaque can cause oral health problems, also makes the smile and appearance less than the maximum. Besides brushing your teeth, using mouthwash can help reduce the onset of plaque. Plaque or tartar is a layer of bacteria that solidifies and sticks to teeth. Plaque plays a major role in the process of tooth decay.

Why Can Plaque Arise?

Plaque appears and develops because there are leftovers. Cakes, bread, milk, candy, and other foods that contain sugar and starch left in the teeth, will invite bacteria. These bacteria will produce acids that will destroy the enamel or the outer layer of teeth. Furthermore, plaque can damage tooth roots and bone supporting teeth. So do not consider plaque as trivial, because it can cause a decrease in overall oral health.

How to prevent plaque

So far there are still many people who only focus on teeth when cleaning the mouth. In fact, other parts of the mouth such as the tongue and between the teeth must also be cleaned to avoid plaque. Here are some ways to prevent the appearance of plaque that you need to know:
  • Brushing teeth before going to sleep

  • Make it a habit to brush your teeth at least twice every day, including brushing your teeth before going to bed. The goal is to clean the oral cavity from food scraps, germs, and plaque deposits that are starting to emerge. After that, don't forget to clean your teeth with dental floss.
  • Pay attention to the right way to brush your teeth

  • You do not want to brush your teeth to be in vain, right? Therefore, pay attention to the right way to brush teeth. Make a circular motion when brushing your teeth to remove the layer of plaque that sticks. No need to hurry so that the maximum results. All you need to know, not to brush your teeth properly is to never brush your teeth.
  • Use products containing fluoride

  • Fluoride plays a role in fighting germs that have the potential to cause teeth to rot. This substance also provides protection to the teeth from the threat of damage. Choose toothpaste that contains fluoride to keep your teeth healthy. Consuming bottled water that has fluoride content can also help reduce the risk of plaque accumulation.
  • Take advantage of mouthwash

  • Mouthwash will clean areas of the mouth that are difficult to reach when you brush your teeth, such as gums and between your teeth because a toothbrush only cleans 25% of your mouth. In addition, mouthwash also reduces acidity and the number of germs in the oral cavity, and even helps remineralize teeth. However, mouthwashes should not be used by children under the age of six. Even for children over this age, mouthwash can help to clean teeth optimally.
  • Check teeth regularly

  • Checking your teeth to the dentist regularly that is every 6 months, can help prevent tooth decay. Even if it turns out that tooth decay is starting to occur, you will get treatment early, so that tooth problems don't get worse.
The methods above can be done to maintain healthy teeth and mouth properly, so as to avoid various dental and mouth disorders that can arise due to plaque buildup, which if left unchecked can damage tooth tissue, gums, and the surrounding area, even at risk of infection.

Get used to take care of your teeth and mouth early

Maintaining healthy teeth and mouth can help to keep the body protected from various diseases and infections, so that it can support the growth and development of children. Your child can be invited to see how his parents take care of his teeth and mouth health everyday, so that even children are interested and understand that this is what he must do later. Entering the age of 2 years, children can begin to be taught to brush their own teeth with special toothpaste for children, including how to spit out the remaining toothpaste foam. Over the age of 6 years, children are allowed to learn how to rinse using mouthwash that is adjusted to the advice of the dentist. While still being watched and ensured so as not to be swallowed. Caring for healthy teeth and mouth should start getting used to since childhood. Thus, this activity can become a good habit that will be carried out regularly into adulthood.

Don't Just Choose Mouthwash

Choose mouthwash according to your needs and health conditions. In using mouthwash, also pay attention to the dose and how to use the packaging label to get the maximum benefit. There are at least three types of mouthwashes, namely:
  • Mouthwash for fresh breath

  • Mouthwash can make your breath fresh instantly. This mouthwash can indeed fight some types of bacteria, but other bacteria can grow back in a short time.
  • Mouthwash that contains fluoride

  • Mouthwash that contains fluoride has two advantages. First, the nature of the mouthwash that can reach the entire oral cavity following between the teeth and gums. Second, fluoride-containing mouthwashes strengthen the enamel, which is the leading layer on the teeth, thus helping to prevent problems that can damage the teeth.
  • Anti-plaque mouthwash and anti-inflammatory gums

  • This type of mouthwash can fight a variety of harmful bacteria that cause and prevent inflammation of the gums or gingivitis, while improving oral health and teeth.
It is recommended to brush teeth, while continuing with the use of mouthwash regularly and regularly for maximum dental health. In order to get maximum results that last in the long run, avoid consuming alcoholic beverages, fizzy, limit caffeinated drinks, and especially avoid smoking. If the teeth are cared for, not only a healthy body. Relationships become more fun. You can laugh freely when hanging out with friends, or even when wefie with friends.


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